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A Proper New Book of Cookery

E Vicipaedia

A Proper New Book of Cookery (orthographia antiqua A proper newe booke of cokerye) est liber de re coquinaria ante annum 1545 scriptus eoque anno Londinii divulgatus. Haec res continentur:

  • De temporibus anni in quibus carnes ad consumendum idonei sunt
  • De dierum pinguium et tenuium servitio
  • De carnium praeparatione praecepta 8, scilicet:
    • To dresse a crab
    • To make a stewed brothe for capons, mutton, biefe or any other hote meate, and also a brothe for all manar of freshe fisshe
    • To make pyes
    • To bake veneson
    • To roest veneson
    • Chekyns upon soppes
    • A pikesauce for a pike, breme, perche, roche, carpe, eles, floykes and all maner of brouke fisshe
    • To make a custarde
  • De ferculis praecepta 49, scilicet:
    • To make clere jelly
    • To make a dissh full of snow
    • To frye beanes
    • To make pan puffe
    • To make bleaw manger
    • To make pies of grene apples
    • To bake chekyns in like paest
    • To bake pigeons in short paest as you make to your baken apples
    • To make vautes
    • To make pescoddes
    • To make stockfritures
    • To stewe tripes
    • To make a pye of alowes
    • To make shorte paest for tart
    • To make a tarte of beanes
    • To make a tarte of goseberies
    • To make a tarte of medlers
    • To make a tarte of damsons
    • To make a tarte of borage floures
    • To make a tarte of marigoldes, primroses or couslips
    • To make a tarte of strawberies
    • To make a tarte of cheries
    • To make a tarte of spinage
    • To make a tarte of chese
    • To make a stew after the guise of Beyonde the Sea
    • To make egges in moneshine
    • To make an applemoyse
    • To frye trypes
    • To make a tarte of prunes
    • To make couertarte after the Frenche facion
    • To stew capons in white broth
    • For gusset that may be an other potage
    • To make a whyte broth
    • An other broth with long wortes
    • To make a freasys at night
    • To make shoes
    • To make porray
    • To stew bones or gristles of beife
    • For to stewe mutton
    • To stewe stekes of mutton
    • For to make wardens in conserue

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Bibliographia[recensere | fontem recensere]

  • Catherine Frances Frere, A proper newe booke of cokerye ... together with some account of domestic life, cookery and feasts in Tudor days, and of the first owner of the book, Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Margaret Parker his wife. Cantabrigiae: Heffer, 1913
  • Anne Ahmed, A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye. Chesterton: Granta Editions, 2002. ISBN 0-9504261-3-X