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Disputatio Vicipaediae:Praefatio

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E Vicipaedia

praefatio vs. introductio[fontem recensere]

From http://la.chped.com/wiki/Disputatio_Usoris:Roland2#introductio:

... videtur mihi saepius "praefatio" pro verbo anglico "introduction"...eg, omnes libri apud bibliothecam oxfordiensis classicorum incipiunt cum praefatione in qua interpres det sermonem brevem de argumento libri secuti. Miror, praefatio magisne pertinet libris, introductione subiectis? Nescio, at praefationem soliter praeferro.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:51, 23 Maii 2006 (UTC)

...introductione magis utitur pro caerimoniis, et actis religiosis aliis, etiam in ritibus gubernatorialibus vel officiosis...tametsi argumentum aliquis aget ut via in vicipaediam sancta sit... =] --Ioshus Rocchio 02:58, 23 Maii 2006 (UTC)

Vicipaedia: namespace overhaul discussions[fontem recensere]

Redundant[fontem recensere]

The struck out pages have now been put into Categoria:Bliteum where they will rest in peace. The non-struck out ones however still need adjustment, merging or may be considered by some to be valid rules which shouldn't be scrapped at all.

Consilia[fontem recensere]

Pages to stay[fontem recensere]

I propose that the following pages are the backbone of the Category (the pages that should be used as an editing reference) and they should be included in the subcategory Categoria:Consilia Vicipaediana